About a month back I was assigned a project and told to design a cd cover and just like any designer, the minute I heard about the project my mind started filling with ideas of how to make it. After a while I had settled on an idea involving a lot of mannequins, well needless to say the project fell apart when my lack of mannequins became painfully apparent. So after several failed attempts of photoshopping stock photos and being angrily thrown out of Macy's for taking picture of there mannequins, I decided to go another direction. While sitting on my couch staring at my computer screen my dog came and sat next to me and looked at me with his tiny expressive face and gave me a fabulous idea. The was, after all, called dog days, so why not use my dog?
It was to be hilarious! I had decided on a victorian style design based mostly on this a victorian ad for a bicycle. Along with the awesome (but completely fussy and took me forever to get to work right) typeface I decided to use my dog, and my roommates dog, and my fiancee's dog.... basically just a lot of dogs. The design finally came down to putting these funny expressive animals on victorian dressed people. so with out further ado let me introduce you to the design...
And here are the stars...
Ziggy |
Buck |
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